
“Im developing real estate not for money, but because I love my town and want it to be better. That’s my mission.”


Imagine the smell of rotting wheat after a rain shower. I don’t have to. Scooping wheat, stacking bulk bags with a forklift, and sweating my ass off. That’s the family business. I like to work. I love to learn. After becoming a first generation college student, and a decade at the Mill, I wanted a new challenge.

My next chapter began when I Googled “How do I build a multifamily property?” A hundred more hours in Google U. Now, I’m learning about all things Real Estate. Learn with me.


Treat People Right

That means being honest when you’ve screwed up, and fixing it. It means working for your team.

Think Long Term

We all benefit from the plans and actions of individuals who have died hundreds of years ago. It’s our duty to be good stewards for the people who will be here hundreds of years after us.

Give Selflessly

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill.